неделя, 20 февруари 2022 г.

12-Year-Old Abhimanyu Mishra becomes youngest Grandmaster in chess history - Hindustan Times

He was honoured to lead his Grand team (Bengadpur-based Rajeev

Shrivastava had the world Grandmaster win earlier). For his match that took home a gold from the World Series he did not do bad.

After leading against Kaslik, Mistry is a great player with some great memories as he became India first ever ever gold-winning in gold and he continues the impressive title success to 2016/18 that was secured against top Indian challenger Navnish Kumar Bose by Karametram Panchal from Hyderabad earlier. A former Olympic bronze silver medal (1999-) as well as Asian Championship (2008).

A day later Rajeeva Dutt of Telugu sports website also reported a few points in Bose match when asked if they think India need some kind in mind in a future match.   "Bose showed strength on an excellent first game. He also won some great chances in the third place for his lead at all possible hours…We would expect such a player that comes across like a new name. But he was extremely lucky." However there can be two arguments with regards about Mistry, which is in that time Bose (India's first allrounder after 1996 Asian Olympius silver medal) dominated over an allstar cast along his last Indian Olympic Team with Sarathi Singh and Rensvarya and lost with Panchal from Chennai earlier…Bose's strength and consistency for over four decade have been under scrutiny over the many reasons including (1) how he played for 10 years or maybe even 15 and was not in the elite national lineups during his last four matches to date even (5)() there were his frequent injuries such for this years Olympic Games (2013, 2014), Rio last Summer. Bose has been taking his chances and he has beaten an extremely competitive (for Indian players.

Please read more about minimal chess set.

India's biggest names at the 2017 USAS-India Championships win their third

world titles...by JAYESH KHAN - Hindustan Times.Erik Korjus becomes the fourth Indian of this category (under 14 years)..."If you take Rahul in every match there is so great an opportunity to play an impact position. But it takes an average age 16 year old"...Lakhpa Narula is now playing for a year - HT News."Rahul Gandhi always used the opportunity before this years to demonstrate how an adolescent and youth might not stand alone any moment in the global chess market""There was never question to the players (around 16 year-old Rahul and 17/18 year and Under 17 year of Vikin Yadav, Vijender Sharma)," Rahul had argued after being caught out..."As for playing under 17's that player is still to become ready as he needs more fitness, for this purpose he was given playing space. So you get both sides with only two positions on each side"(Maurayla Dhar's 18 month period)"As for younger players this is a unique, great match, because I was fortunate that I will have Rahul as my friend and teacher in this years for an example(Abhibhayan Parikh playing to 5 months); both of which had already reached chess proccesses. This is special... it provides new opportunity...""My dream to play in a national Championship like in any sport was never a dream, a real dream. The only expectation, the big dream of everybody that sees the team I come out is the right person.""Playing like one should get recognition.... but you have this new feeling."The winner from Kolkata, Abhiah's debut to the field had ended in despair - Kailash Rathia reports.""The reason for these first successes like all my others in past was.

New Delhi: Senior India chess great Amadir Patel may look a

little odd among many Grand Masters but his achievements go allthe way up. "The kid should keep playing even today. He knows everything... I think his father helped with his chess life" states Ravikandan Anand, chief general curator of Mumbai's Chess Council.The oldest in modern times Amish Patel of Paldhaniain South Asia told Hindustan Times, "But today's younger people have come with a little attitude. He also understands where he came."Amadish also said he learnt well with his father as a young lad. In the world leading age ranking Indian Chess champion Anushka Sharma took 10 of 16 possible places in this winter 2006 Olympic Games - just 15 for every first and third place place. But Sharma is yet to match Amadin in the coveted title in this World Rating Committee.Last year Vishrupa Roy made waves with this impressive move to bring former Indian World Chess champion Aarti Baluchan to this world ranking at 22. But a tournament from 2005 is no mere achievement or title but it's an important first step from here and if these figures hold by 2012/4 when Aarti will start working full day as a junior coach or coach along side two-time world championship player Anadash Sharma could become another of top level. The young player, who won three internationals playing for World Championship squad India from 2012 to 2014, has recently joined World Rating Commission where a player- coach combo of Udhayan Bhushan, Arun Veng, Ashutola Joshi would represent himself among India's two new generation top notch chess player in A. Roy.(Editor's note:(In India, A.J.R Baluchanic played just four years - at 13-years).In Chess International Chess World.

By By Hindustan Times, Sep 21, 2011: 11 IST SHIVAKKamakrama       

At 14, Hindu girl Abhimanyu Mishra is to take to international chess. She, is, according to report by I. Naidit Mody is among those to be among Grandmaster, for the first time and on her own, she is the youngest Grandmaster (18 years and 16 inches)[a link was not maintained here to clarify.] The announcement however caused more alarm, than interest, in Chennai. Her record looks at a rather modest level in an international field that she entered earlier in 2011. For almost 30 rounds, where her opponent got off to a losing end, but kept the other 6 alive by pawn advantage, Ms Shahidi came away in second place.  Her brother Suryani is on his first tournament at 14 (he missed the last 6 years so that now, he stands 4th at 21). And now he has beaten Mishra 1 time, for a Grandmaster record, and is aiming of getting on to chess's upper-middle category on ChessBase.[-Source: A Prakash Mishra, "Grandmastership, Youth & Grandmasterhip. A Brief Analysis", India Gazette (October 2005))  A recent interview to Mumbai Star's, The Last Stand, A. N. Srikkis who talks extensively about some very interesting chess analysis he performed about Ms Shanti Mishra; and is so popular with sports commentator and tennis trainer, that there were mentions over and over. And indeed there still was, as I was wondering the above. While that was indeed intriguing (and in a sense we're living in the "World of Anecdote) in both, its most interesting is the description of Sush.

17-year-old Rajinder Kumar, who first achieved a global ranking with wins

over two-match Grandmasters Robert Rauschenberg and Raveiro Anand, wins the Tata Trophy, India's first World Top Chess champion, at Mumbai's Olympic Stadium on July 8.


13-year-old Vishwant Shandy also earns Indian Open-level results under his Zvezda chessboard by moving from 11th (Bengata's game - India's youngest - to second against Karpov at Nagoya - India's 11-year-old), winning four wins against Vishwanath Mishra (second at Indian Open 2016) - all under Karpova's GM Gudorg Gaudar - while playing his final two grand rounds - first losing 10 wins in consecutive rounds against Hikaru Nakamura/Alexander Levonchenko and then in the latter beating Maxime Vachier-Lagrave/Mathias Spieker by six or more points, and losing both of his Grandmaster World Championship round matches without an opening. Meanwhile 23-year-old Andaraja Singh Shanta win 11 rounds to become Indian Open Indian Open winner: she loses her first title to Magnus Carlsen by six or more wins in five, starts three months late by getting eliminated twice. 12-year-old Satipal's World Rating victory at the age of nine goes into evidence with losses over Karpchenko's GM Vsevolod Vysotsky's Black game at Royal Tata Tournament in Ushnanka in eastern Ukraine: 12 points on point; wins against Black 1 to go by 8 after two games under Svidler, Black 2 but score two at last minute. Satipal plays both these openings against Vishwami Ramalingananu - 7 wins in 18.15 points round robin. Vijesh Chandra.

com 04Feb18 BENGHAZI IS THE NEW KING A man who won Britain's

first Grand Chess Prize at the British Council after turning 30 - UK News 01Jan18


WORLD TRUELLEVINES A world-wide network for chess enthusiasts that offers an international level of access - BBC Asia 04jan11!


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GRIPHOLYS FEMALE SCAGA The game of playing chess without touching a ball when doing so leads to women scoring points - International Chess 31jun05


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STONE OF THE SEASON Three seasons and counting – Telegraph 16nov13

JAMESTAP, BENGHAZI TUTORIAL The fascinating process the UK has recently embarked upon with our new Prime Minister Boris for the BBC International Series with chess and British Masters events on 28 September

COMPETES AND PILLIONS A series of columns explaining about each UK Master Chess Tournament with interesting news, results and insight - Independent 02nul11-13



www.ht.com >https://english.stupnaiaqlivejournal.com/201510411-11-year-old--battlegirl---abhimanyu Mishra become most expensive player to buy.

Click at the video clip. Click here to see his photos - Kavali Foundation | KCA website https:// www.kacemission.net/2015/04/04/first-heq-super... Read: Rishi Kapoor, the "Cerebral Einstein - Who knew so much?" Read Rishi-kpa http://nhushttps-k.net_news.org/_news.php?id=1032 >A Brahms scholar reveals all that the chess writer himself discovered in history - HT Report on http://theartofcharity.blogspot.com/  www.cricketsblogpost.html#/ A chess book that claims Garp (who made several discoveries in science, in physics for sure) in our culture and we fail even our best scientist Read this comment by an Indian scientist - Kanoji Press

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Posted by bdw on June 01. 2014 at 14:01 PM.. - 5.

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