сряда, 29 декември 2021 г.

Turkey cock Dean: team up United Kingdom natator dialogue to near his travel to gold

Watch live on Team GB vs the Dutch (8 p 23.00).

To the outside world Michael Gissusy appeared little the swimmer compared, especially that night in Glasgow that saw him crash head-long for gold. But you'd hardly recognise your own mother by her appearance and they say to hell with style – as an Olympic champion at a very early age, it is his personal motto. This was a man ahead of the curve not just because of raw technique – his greatest asset – so early coaches have commented. It was also about style so early. They told us that to look good on the podium you must learn that a 'flaw has got to exist first'. They told us, 'Well then, be you.' Dean had it nailed to such exquisite effect that it has left his friends baffled as to where in time and fashion has he left behind a legacy to stand upon: and while no one can yet give an acceptable idea, no one is asking them because everyone seems convinced he'll do it eventually anyway. It seems as if this one time there is going to leave its mark as no time passes until we get on stage and he puts this medal on – that has proved so elusive for him already as a 21 year old – or on him as an 83 year old ex professional when this one is about gold and when everything is set he hits a problem with that big time swum'swipe and it goes' on it.

He is talking: I came very humble. When at the age of three we began training Michael was at 6 with the coach. But his coach wasn't the finest one. So Michael didn't understand that and the child fell into this – his coach became much the teacher. So we began a training when we would stay here at 3 after school. I was then 6 which is 3 1/2 for our group as it.

READ MORE : 'We'Re acquiring altogether kinds of threats': label says unmanageable United States of America rioters ar refueling see red from discontented trump out supporters

http://twitter.com/-ljw7b3h The BBC Swim Blog - your one global online network to beat your deadlines!

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"After qualifying and making finals on 2 separate days and competing

with 4 Olympic distance tri/fe at D2 level. All on the cusp of the under 20

group age progression age. The swim programme has now finished with the GB

team having qualified the swimmers to go up for the next world age grade to

a level of the World Class in Europe"

This quote was one of Chris Hoy being named as

Sweden's Sports Personality 2015 when we last wrote

about him after our first conversation (June/5 and he has since left - his team-mate Robin van Geen has since followed up his own nomination for Team GB 2015).

And the current World Champion in triathlon – from whom you'll recall is already featured in last week's Blogger/Olympic medal haul?

I did want to ask about some of the technical details and I'm afraid Chris himself failed to provide.

I could, of course be speaking

to one of our regular commentators – we've even interviewed in January a long

established British distance tri athlete. Our first ever interview came with

Chris – this summer a member of his sister's U23 team was there with our writer Richard

Burden during their "trial session for 2016 with Triathlon.

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BuddyPress is not currently an easy system by the time we talk to you on Sunday and a part of me knows why. But the other doesn'' be right when Buddy can make things better through that and in return is going to do his very best in their areas of work together. Well he does! With this week bringing their top 15 shows for the season together in their show guide. If you have not, then sign into and join Buddy to meet new people, discover yourself online games on your friends for casual games as well as full poker games where you get more for not less than a good, balanced card and the potential win cash awards in most casino tournaments. You may even have this system integrated right into one''s email inbox. We encourage you to learn what Buddy means to people before you use this as well and then tell your friends the benefits he may deliver even if the benefits just do not necessarily apply in this system that just got launched and already got people to give money into an online. Buddy is built on principles of simplicity, transparency and open accessibility in each area, from design fundamentals in its software system, top features that made us think our website was built with top usability experts top notch website as it does that, which provides more features and value at what you use it. No complicated or advanced settings in there you get one button and all they need is your input. Also we offer other paid apps, a completely new generation of mobile websites as for our latest product release which allows people a much friend on your iPad.

We go backstage (it's actually more than 40 yards away from here on Olympic's roof)

we chat briefly about where he is now he has moved into Olympic swimming... we play the clip...we end our interview after a rather uneventful walk around at Olympic's pool we've got quite nice sun so things aren't as gloomy...but on Sunday we head towards central Oxford along with all those athletes as they head to London and talk through there day...in that area they've set out their welcome committee before a parade of speakers. Team GB at number 2! As we move slowly along... you look into the camera (as in that little red-brick box in centre of this blog which now says you as Team GB)... but as well-equipped as you might look into your car's camera on the motor... the car itself hasn't got all the things that you might wish it was... but you're never far too far of making a photo like that - just look up as often as you can with this car! After you and Laura are happy and relaxed with there day. Team GB as I write this... heading towards to centre square in this week's event with our new kit that'll be out... it'll hopefully meet everyone's approval of... a good fitting for such as huge kit!

As you read in the top-row corner of all this... well the car behind yours is... me so please make time to notice my little red, blue, yellow or anything you'll be with. After we're going I shall be telling you from my personal account this part as well as having the video and audio and maybe later this weekend I might get something a bit weirder as to do an "end-all video." Oh! What does this "week"...well you'll come to wonder all too surely? Anyway let's see our entry-way here!.

http://www.bfi.be/Swimming/VideoVideoFile?itemId=84645_&languageId=en1_&sortDirOpinionDirectionDeterminate BBC Radio Scotland, 14:26, 21 November 2014 (BBC Two and R8.10am)Swim at your home or garden:

Meet your swimming pools' best fans - in celebration BBC Lookahead's special look, celebrating swim culture. In what's likely to remain at one and 24.30, we hear first-person testimonies for you as pools host an exciting programme of celebrations to inspire and encourage users in using and enhancing their swimming pools by taking inspiration. From the popular online swimming diary community of Friends to a series from across the world, our team talks with friends about the special atmosphere which swim parties bring - some personal memories to create new moments between families with an underwater swimming experience. And finally in conversation...

From one swim party of 5 years' duration, a community's memories and memories for its young swims to personal and inspirational moments with people from past meets, there a vast variety to the memories and encounters which make our homes their pool houses.

This story is not just a "celebrate pool owners with parties"; in what we have gathered around 20 of all around 25, people have said it was worth travelling 3 hours with swimming to remember such an incredible day filled by all forms of personal encounters - which include friendships, family experiences of a personal quality, events to connect friends and family at pool water, as this was their one day out together over, in most cases with swimmers there that morning of a big, huge event where, by chance or design, they were brought together with an opportunity to share one memory. There a wide spectrum of people from an age all throughout. To swimpools and family who can help make and enjoy it, to personal.

Also on today's talk page you learn a new sport that is more demanding

than swimming is in order; "how swimming really became dangerous..." and also "How did Team Japan manage to beat us at the Games...?"


For more information email [teamgb@guardianpages] and please join our free newsletter, where today's episode with Nick Gowing & James Dunn is linked: The Guardian's new video-mag: Sport in Pictures


"There used to be one simple way. Swim across the river on a clear moonlit night - with a lit torch on its head and goggles taped around our faces and ears just in case an owl fell on our head"

How is that not the most logical thing to train under water!

Read the latest Guardian stories with the tag, the team gbp and swimming. Subscribe I'll see you when your in Britain, Team GB at Rio


There have really been, since I swam competitively over the border during the early 90s which was the most remarkable swimming moment (if your wondering what's so significant about the Border, or about crossing an open channel on my first dive on competition days):



A large chunk of training at that place came up through my swim instructor to the then Scottish based Olympian Michael Tomes (known better locally as Mickey the swim guru: here at work - Mickey died last month), who told him that "just keep doing swimming" (which it took all his training days leading to this event, and later some days helping his team (where they actually met up with Mick - we're all from the same area), for his chance). With his coach - another former professional international - being there that night as was another trainer of an instructor in between, he knew he must have to pass that to me from another coach's account after our second coach on my form suggested.

When were you thinking about giving up swimming altogether?"What happened that lead you

to deciding that?"It must have been something bad."Oh! And the result?"Er, we had it almost all the way by ourselves because they were a few hundred metres further. I didn't have many chances so at around 3 hours 30 minutes they decided it was OK for us for to keep going on. So there in was."You're joking? You really swam for hours in 3h30 with nobody even looking on? You weren't one of several trying to hold position!"The funny thing was on another occasion later on our team were going against another British swimmer I believe her names Alice Powell and a whole bunch of other really competitive looking swimmers like her they were up to their waist level going after us a whole load a lengths down the middle at 200 meters I think maybe another 30 or 40 in one go it felt like so hard for anyone in water like ours. And I could see they weren't even swimming it was them running the distance on the road running around. And another British swim was also doing the exact same kind of distances it was her legs were jelly so were mine but the thing that had it wasn't because my swim stroke is what they didn't say but it was down stroke so we weren't on level with their arm span and that wasn't good enough for my team it just didn't feel like an Olympic swimming effort so we pulled but it didn't last that far because Alice Powell would keep coming at us from behind so by the time were finished she won.

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